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Meditation: The Best Remote Viewing Training Technique – EOC Institute

Meditation: The Best Remote Viewing Training Technique

Remote Viewing: The Ultimate Guide
How It Works, Benefits, Techniques, & Tools

Remote Viewing Technique

Did you know that you have the ability to go deep within your mind, beyond all five "normal" senses, to do extraordinary things you never thought possible?

And that one of these extraordinary things is the ability to "remote view", or witness with your mind’s eye: places, events, objects, and people, at any location, no matter the distance, no matter the time — whether it be past, present, or future?

It's true. Once a well-funded program within the US Military called the "Stargate Project", remote viewing is an amazingly powerful tool that can be learned by anyone — including you.

learn remote viewing

Today, many regular people are using remote viewing techniques to successfully invest in the stock market, solve crimes, predict world events, achieve career success — just to name a few of the powerful use cases.

Is there one thing that an aspiring remote viewer needs, other than a basic course or book from an expert like Lyn Buchanan, David Morehouse, or Joseph McMoneagle? What's the very best training technique to learn how to remote view successfully?

Why Meditation Is Critical For The Aspiring Remote Viewer

If you want to learn remote viewing, here are a few reasons meditation is essential:

    subconscious mind & remote viewing
  • Quieting The Mind: It's often said that the human mind generates about 70,000 thoughts per day. Of course, much of this comes from the superficial, "just the tip of the iceberg" conscious mind. When attempting to accurately remote view a non-local object, event, time, or place — the conscious mind is considered a real nuisance. Whether it's second guessing the sensory information as it comes in, insisting on being "right" about what it perceives, or flat out blocking access to the far more important deep mind, this superficial mind layer needs to be put in its place. Luckily, meditation quiets down the highly obstructive conscious mind (aka monkey mind) while opening up access to the super deep & mega powerful subconscious & unconscious mind layers. This transfer of power multiplies remote viewing accuracy.
  • It's A Form Of Meditation: Targeted remote viewing requires you to, for a period of time, enter a different state of consciousness. This highly receptive, deeply aware "RV friendly" state of mind is generally thought to be meditation itself (in a pure sense) — or very close to meditation. Many would argue, in fact, that remote viewing is not really possible without meditative training. At the very least, picking up a meditative practice most certainly does train your mind to be in the proper state to remote view accurately and successfully.
  • subconscious mind & remote viewing
  • Super Deep Mind Receptivity: It's said that our conscious mind can only interpret 10% of the massive amount of sensory information available to it at any given moment. To not overload itself, our conscious mind takes in just a small sample of what's available — and uses that small sample to "guess" the rest. Meditation trains your mind to be more sensitive and receptive to subtle "upstream" subconscious / unconscious information (i.e. sizes, shapes, patterns, sights, smells, tastes, temperatures) before our "downstream" conscious mind (monkey mind) is able to muddy-up the water. This unbiased way of interpreting information is critical to successful remote viewing.
  • subconscious mind & remote viewing
  • Tap Into The Quantum Mind: Did you know that there is one intelligent consciousness that permeates the whole universe? And that this all powerful, ever-present, omniscient force also exists within each of us, including you? Known by many names, like the quantum mind, the unified field, The All, God, universal consciousness, whatever you want to call it, we are directly tapping into this "source energy" when we remote view. It's our deep mind layers that serve as the gateway to this all knowing energy. And so, meditation is the very best way to tap into "that which knows all" — past, present, and future.

What's The Best Meditation Tool For Successful Remote Viewing?

Did you know that you can harness the power of sound for super deep states of meditation? EquiSync is designed to guide the user's brainwaves into a state of deep meditation, bringing the intended benefits much faster than the traditional route. If you are new to meditation, then we recommend EquiSync: Classic. If you are experienced, then we recommend EquiSync: Deepereum & EquiSync: Element. More info on all three programs:

EquiSync Classic: Over a decade ago, we released our highly popular brainwave system, EquiSync Classic. Since then, we have upgraded the program continually, ensuring our deep meditation audio technology stays on the cutting edge. The latest version of the program includes 7+ hours worth of highly optimized downloadable MP3 audio tracks (that you own forever). While Deepereum may be the more robust system of the two, many people, especially those new to the technology, prefer the elegant simplicity of EquiSync Classic. Free Demo

EquiSync Deepereum: EquiSync Deepereum is the first program on the market that allows you to precisely build, customize, & curate a meditation audio track to your liking. With the program's powerful configuration options (brainwave frequency, entrainment technique, session length, audio quality, soundscape, & more), Deepereum opens the door to thousands upon thousands of potential track combinations. While intermediate to advanced users really love the program, Deepereum is built for everyone. Soundscape Selection Page | Free Demo: Soundscape #14 | Free Demo: Soundscape #57 | Free Demo: Soundscape #71 | Free Demo: Soundscape #68

EquiSync Element: EquiSync Element is the ultimate meditation tool. With it you can quickly and easily create a multilayered, harmonically resonant meditation soundscape — with the purest frequencies. Built with maximum flexibility in mind, there is no limit to what you can create. While advanced users really love the program, Element's powerful auto-generation tools make the program accessible for everyone. You are encouraged to explore EquiSync Element's never-ending options to discover what works best in your practice. Free Demo

Next Level Meditation. Get EquiSync® Free Demo.

Getting Started
EquiSync: Powerful brainwave audio for deep meditation.
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Powerful CEOs, famous Hollywood actors, bestselling authors, well-known media personalities, top military rank, high level creatives, professional athletes, and even billionaires say meditation is the secret to their success.
The world's most successful people often say that "intuition" is far more powerful than intellect and their #1 decision-making tool. Here's how meditation magnifies this mega-important sixth sense.
Why is meditation such a powerful anxiety reliever? From boosting brain chemicals, to quieting mind chatter, to cooling the amygdala, this in-depth article discusses why anxiety is no match against meditation.
Dominating headlines with her viral 14+ million view TED Talk and bestselling book, a world famous psychologist makes the compelling case for "mental toughness" as successful people's real superpower. Get "Gritty" with meditation.
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Did you know that your brain power, intelligence, & memory can be dramatically upgraded? Here, we discuss why scientists keep studying the marvelous meditating brain, and how you too can tap these awesome benefits.
The world needs creativity. Books don't author themselves. Inventions don't invent themselves. Technology doesn't innovate itself. Luckily, we are creative by nature. It's in our genes. It's in our brains. Awaken yours with meditation.
Through a process called "Neurogenesis," scientists have discovered that our brain's "neuron count" is not set for life. Meditation's well-proven ability to generate a "neuron fortune" has massive implications & big benefits.
Without the willpower to put in the hard yards today, the dream of a better tomorrow will always be just that. A dream. Luckily, willpower is never set in stone. All the great ones had it, you can too. Become "willpowerful" with meditation.
Your body is a "community" of 50 trillion living cells. When your cells are in harmony, you're healthy. In disharmony, disease can manifest. Here's how meditation heals at the molecular level, while helping to create a "cellular utopia."
History is full of people who, in the face of failure, diversion, & distraction, stayed the course anyway, achieving their dreams regardless of what's in their path. Here's how meditation can make us highly focused & motivated.
To prosper in a changing world, we need to "be water" in every situation. People with high fluid IQ adapt well to change, are highly resourceful, see patterns & relationships, & solve problems creatively. Fill-up your fluid IQ with meditation.
Scientists love studying meditators' magnificent, "depression-free" brains. From transforming psychology, to rewiring thought, to massively upgrading physiology, here we discuss why meditation dominates depression.
When it comes to understanding what the human body can & can't do, change is underway. From extending life, to conquering unconquerable diseases, to rewriting genetic code, meditation's latest scientific findings are incredible.
Want to rejuvenate and restore your skin to pristine perfection? Of course, we all do! Look no further than meditation. With such overwhelming age-defying scientific evidence, it's easy to see why meditators so often look decades younger.
EquiSync®: Powerful Brainwave Audio For Deep Meditation.

Video: EquiSync® Classic vs Deepereum vs Element