Did Einstein Meditate? According To His Brain, Yes
The "High Intelligence" Prefrontal Cortex — How Meditation Makes You Smart, Healthy

Einstein Had A Beautiful Brain
As perhaps the greatest scientist to ever walk the earth, Albert Einstein undoubtedly had a very powerful and very unique brain. Founding modern physics ain't easy.
It turns out that the great physicist's brain had actually been preserved for a short time after his 1955 death. While a number of photographs were taken, the full slideshow did not see the light of day for over 50 years. And when the pics did surface, every warm-blooded neuroscientist in the world was chomping at the bit.
In 2012, with the full power of modern technology, a Dr. Dean Falk headed Florida State University team compared Einstein's brain images to those of 85 "normal" human brains. What did they find?
With his "prefrontal cortex" (PFC) perhaps the most striking feature of all, the legendary scientist's brain dropped egg-head-shaped jaws the world over.
Just how important is this brain region?
The "Prefrontal Cortex:" A.K.A. The "Emperor" Of The Brain

As the brain's thought orchestrator, complex planner, deep thinker, and high level decision maker, if all the brain regions held an election, the prefrontal cortex would be anointed emperor.
Specifically, it was the overall development, tightly packed gray matter, and vast surface coverage that made Einstein's prefrontal cortex so unique.
It turns out that modern physics' "Theory of Relativity" is backed by a whole lotta' processing power. He was way ahead of his time for good reason.
What if it was possible for us mere mortals to upgrade our brain in the same way? Imagine the possibilities if we each had even a fraction of Einstein's brilliance?
Hit the brakes. Science has discovered a way. It's called meditation.

How Meditation "Einsteinifies" Your Brain
A landmark 2005 study by Harvard neuroscientist Dr. Sara Lazar found that experienced meditators had much more neural density, thickness, folds, and electrical activity within their prefrontal cortex.
Sound familiar? That's also what made Albert Einstein's brain so unique. Needless to say, the implications of this finding are immense.

Upgrading the "king of all brain regions" opens a whole new dimension of powerful benefits: less anxiety, less depression, more success, more processing power, better decision making, better health, stronger willpower, higher IQ, the list goes on.
To compound this amazing discovery, Dr. Lazar found that the more meditation experience a person had under his/her belt, the more highly developed their prefrontal cortex.
Backed by a mile high stack of studies, the neuroscientific community now sees meditation as the "holy grail" for folks wanting to be smart, healthy, and successful.
Honorable Mention
Another unique area of Einstein's brain was the "bridge" connecting his left and right hemispheres, the "corpus callosum (CC)." Thought to be responsible for his "otherworldly" creativity, when it comes to "how" his magical brain could have innovated physics to such an epic degree, his "thick and brawny" CC is one titanic reason why. Does meditation upgrade this brain area too? Yes!
"Einsteinify" your brain. Rewire your life. Discover meditation.
Activated Prefrontal Cortex Benefits: ▲Brain Power | ▲Intelligence | ▲Orchestrating Thought | ▲Happiness Center | ▲Decision Making | ▲Willpower | ▲Success | ▲Processing Power | ▲Health | ▲Impulse Control | ▲Personality | ▲Focus | ▲Complex Planning | ▲Executive Brain Functions | ▲Achieving Goals | ▲Complex Reasoning | ▲Appropriate Behavior | ▼Anxiety | ▼Distraction | ▼Depression |
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Happiness, Flow,
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Success, Intuition,
Creativity, & Willpower -
Deep Mind, & More
Health & Body ▼
Weight Loss
Longevity & Life
Extension -
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Disease, & More -
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Using safe and highly effective sound technology, all EquiSync programs are designed to carefully ease the listener's brainwaves into a state of deep meditation, opening the door to the ancient mind practice's limitless benefits much faster than the traditional route. You can learn more about how it works from the links below:
While we have outlined one basic philosophy / form of meditation in the links below, if you already have a proven meditation technique — then we encourage you to combine & enhance it with our audio technology. EquiSync uses sound to deepen the meditative state no matter your chosen technique.
How can meditation benefit your life? Our highly referenced, highly backlinked "benefit of meditation" articles are known for their in-depth research & inspirational tone. A few good reads are linked below: