How Creative Visualization Works: Achieving Success
Creative Visualization

Did you know that some of the world’s most successful people, including professional athletes, actors, actresses, CEOs, artists, and spiritual leaders — attribute their success to one highly powerful mind technique?
It's called "creative visualization." Used by those who understand how the subconscious mind functions within the framework of our quantum reality, today more and more people are using this powerful law of attraction technique to manifest abundance and achieve personal success in their lives.
How does creative visualization work?

Creative visualization, put simply, involves the use of mental imagery to achieve a desired outcome. In other words, you must imagine yourself doing (or being) the thing that you want to do or be, successfully — with repetition.
For example, a tennis player wishing to improve their backhand would imagine themselves hitting it over and over in their mind (with proper form of course!). A person wishing to have financial success would imagine themselves as already living the life of someone with abundant wealth (nice house, nice car, etc.).
You know how famous people often claim to have "visualized" their success long before it ever happened for them in real life? It's the power of creative visualization that they are harnessing.
And once you see yourself as already having "achieved" your goal (whatever it may be), then your intuition and sense of "inner knowing" will light the proper path for you to follow (taking action is part of making this powerful technique work).
What's the secret to maximizing the law of attraction?

Meditation. In order to have the best state of consciousness to manifest abundance — the mind must be still, and the mind must be clear.
Once meditation melts away whatever subconscious blockages we're dealing with (we all have them), and once meditation quiets down the mind chatter that blocks our intuition (a.k.a. "success GPS") — that's when our ability to visualize & manifest truly unlocks.
When you can finally see the "correct path" to your intended goal, whether it be love, wealth, more friends, or great success — then you start to believe.
"If you want to be successful, it's just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing." — Will Rogers
Belief in what you are doing bends the quantum nature of our reality to your will. When you truly believe in something then nothing will stop you from achieving your dreams. How will you change the world? Meditation is the way.
Suggested Articles: How Meditation Makes Us Successful | How Meditation Awakens Intuition | The Law of Attraction: How To Manifest Abundance
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How can meditation benefit your life? Our highly referenced, highly backlinked "benefit of meditation" articles are known for their in-depth research & inspirational tone. A few good reads are linked below: