The Stress Hormone: How Meditation Reduces Cortisol
The "Stress Hormone" — How Meditation Reduces Cortisol

Cortisol, a major age-accelerating hormone, is the one chemical where less is better. When we are stressed, our bodies produce cortisol and adrenaline in abundance. This is normal, a natural product of our evolution.
However, over the long term, the chemical cocktail present when under chronic stress is not normal, and can tear your body down, destroying healthy muscle and bone, blocking the creation of good hormones, eventually leading to anxiety, depression, increased blood pressure, brain fog, insomnia, inflammation, the list goes on and on. Clearly, too much of this stress hormone is really bad news for your overall physical health.
Luckily, scientists have found a very powerful solution. In 2013, researchers at UC Davis discovered a very powerful connection between mindfulness and cortisol, with remarkable results seen within only a few short weeks.
In fact, another study by a Rutgers University doctor discovered that meditators had a nearly 50% reduction in cortisol levels! As many scientists claim Cortisol to be public enemy #1, meditation is always on-call ready to save the day!
More Benefits Of Reducing Cortisol: ▼"Fight or Flight" | ▼Chronic stress | ▼Inflammation | ▲Sleep | ▲Brain function | ▼Cholesterol | ▼Blood pressure | ▼Brain fog | ▼Insomnia | ▼Obesity | ▼Disease |
Mind & Brain ▼
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& Learning -
Happiness, Flow,
& Positivity -
Success, Intuition,
Creativity, & Willpower -
Deep Mind, & More
Health & Body ▼
Weight Loss
Longevity & Life
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Healing, Immunity,
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How can meditation benefit your life? Our highly referenced, highly backlinked "benefit of meditation" articles are known for their in-depth research & inspirational tone. A few good reads are linked below: