Fountain of Youth: How Meditation Boosts Growth Hormone
The "Fountain of Youth" — How Meditation Boosts Growth Hormone

Since the dawn of time, man has sought out the elusive "fountain of youth." While most people today no longer believe in miraculous, "stay young forever" potions like our ancestors once did, growth hormone (GH) is making a very strong case as the key to turning back the hands of time.
GH stimulates growth during childhood and sustains our tissues and organs today. Starting in your 40s, your pituitary gland, the pea-sized structure at the base of your brain where growth hormone is produced, gradually decreases the amount of GH it creates. The body’s diminishing supply of growth hormone causes the frailty that comes with aging—weaker bones and muscles, increased body fat, poor heart contractions, bad moods, lack of motivation, and fatigue.

With so many benefits to our overall health and well-being, it is easy to understand why movie stars spend $10,000+/year taking GH. But you don’t need to be a millionaire to beat Father Time.
The key state where our brains release the most growth hormone, "Delta" is a key brainwave frequency found during both meditation and the deepest stage of sleep. Perhaps meditators naturally elevated growth hormone levels are why they tend to look so young and healthy? Scientists seem to think so. Session by session, meditation effectively turns back the clock.
More Growth Hormone Benefits: ▲Healing | ▲Young skin | ▲Healthy cells & organs | ▲Strong bones | ▲Strong muscles | ▲Fat loss | ▼Cardiovascular disease | ▲Energy |
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Using safe and highly effective sound technology, all EquiSync programs are designed to carefully ease the listener's brainwaves into a state of deep meditation, opening the door to the ancient mind practice's limitless benefits much faster than the traditional route. You can learn more about how it works from the links below:
While we have outlined one basic philosophy / form of meditation in the links below, if you already have a proven meditation technique — then we encourage you to combine & enhance it with our audio technology. EquiSync uses sound to deepen the meditative state no matter your chosen technique.
How can meditation benefit your life? Our highly referenced, highly backlinked "benefit of meditation" articles are known for their in-depth research & inspirational tone. A few good reads are linked below: