Positive Statements For Deep-Mind Reprogramming:

“I am naturally peaceful.”

“I am always cool and calm under pressure. For that, I am thankful.”

“My default mental state is cool.”

“The natural state of the universe is peace. I allow peace into every cell of my body.”

“With every deep, mindful breath that I take the tension releases from my mind and body.”

“I reach a deeper level of relaxation every moment of every day.”

“People always notice how laid back I am.”

“I am grateful for my well developed ability to always maintain perfect composure.”

“Feeling calm and relaxed is normal for me. For that, I am grateful.”

“Every muscle in my body is loose at all times.”

“I am a master of deep, mindful breathing. It keeps me keep cool in all situations.”

“I flow with life easily and effortlessly.”

“I deeply appreciate my natural upbeat attitude. It makes life a breeze.”

“My mind is perfectly balanced.”

“I am at my best when it matters most.”