Positive Statements For Deep-Mind Reprogramming:

“With each passing moment I become happier and happier.”

“Joy floods my thoughts and my life.”

“I am thankful to everybody who has helped me.”

“My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.”

“My pleasing and magnetic personality is contagious.”

“I am always safe and protected.”

“Bliss comes to me when I am optimistic.”

“I enjoy every moment of every day.”

“I am overcome with gratitude for the goodness that fills my life.”

“Creative energy surges through me filling my mind with new and brilliant ideas.”

“My sense of humor touches everyone around me.”

“With every deep, mindful breath that I take every fiber of my being resonates with joy.”

“I deeply appreciate my innate ability to pick myself up and lift my spirits.”

“I am grateful for this wonderful life.”

“I recognize and accept the good that is constantly flowing into my life.”

“My potential to succeed is infinite.”

“The love and peace I give to others comes back to me many times over.”

“I am free to experience the infinite joy life has to offer.”